Sabtu, 17 Februari 2018

It's Danger If Flies Are Over on Food

kopi hijau jakarta

It's Danger If Flies Are Over on Food


Jakarta, What do you do when you see flies hanging around food? You must be reflexes away and close the food served in order not to be infested by flies. But an expert said the existence of flies around the food was more dangerous than we thought during this.First, because one single flies on average carry 200 types of harmful bacteria from the place where they live, whether it is ripe, rotten, stale food, until human waste. Second, flies have many thin and small hairs on their feet and hands. Ironically, this can make it easier for them to move the bacteria that stick to their bodies to the food. They just need to touch your food within a single second of time to move the bacteria and germs all over their bodies, says Ron Harrison, an entomology expert. means flies can also move serious diseases such as cholera, dysentery and typhoid to the food easily. Moreover, sometimes the flies will vomit over the food it lives on. This usually happens to the ingredients that can not be digested, so they have to spew digestive enzymes from within their bodies onto the food in order to be transformed into a form that can be ingested fly.Read also: Not Just Through Flies, Diarrhea Germs Can Also Attack Through Meal it is best to avoid foods that have been infested with flies at all, Harrison's message as reported by The Independent. But you certainly would not be able to throw food every time infested by flies is not it? Harrison says, the tactics that can be used is to remove the part that has been infected with flies alone. Only this can be done if you do not feel disgust lho ya.Baca also: There is a Meal Means No Food Contain Formalin? Not Sure (lll / vit)



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